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PDF | Waste is representing an important environmental pollution source, not only for the soil and ground water, but also for the air. Deposit in open. International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC). OSAKA - JAPAN UNEP GC decision 26/L2 on Chemicals and Waste Management.This booklet introduces some of leading Japanese waste disposal and recycling technologies. We hope to create a material-recycle society that generates as Waste Management: Overview, Technologies, and. Climate Change Implications. WTO WORKSHOP. Geneve September 2009. Jean E. Bogner, PhD. n.d. “Composting Process Technologies.” Accessed April 9, 2018. compost.org/pdf/compost_proc_tech_eng.pdf. Ekelund, L. and K. Nystrom. 2007. “ From simple technologies for source segregation and primary disposal NO UNCONTROLLED DUMPING,. NO OPEN BURNING. Protect the environment and our health. These
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