Hq-129x manual
Hammarlund Model CU-10A Remote Control Unit RA-10A Remote Control Adapter Instruction Manual. Hammarlund HQ-129X Manual. 17.00. Add. We do not have manuals for sale, and suggest you contact one of the several suppliers of manual copies for purchases. Two which are known to be "boatanchor friendly" are Transmitter & Modulator5/1947 - 11/1947matching receiver is HQ-129X. repair info: photofact, mpn: hq-129-x, short description: title: Hammarlund HQ-129-X Radio Receiver Photofact, Brand: Hammarlund, Mpn: Hq-129-x, Repair Info: Photofact, sku: 2938644867038223, brand: hammarlund Review#5 by manualsvintagego#5, manual as described. great (10-15-17). For sale is reprint of Hammarlund HQ-129-X Communications Receiver Manual. This receiver covers 540KC to 31MC. Manual is dated 1946. Sections are: Introduction, Design, Crystal Filter Circuit, Operation, Alignment Procedure, Maintenance. I just bought a Hammarlund HQ129x. We don't see as much of vintage amateur (or general coverage) receivers overhere in Holland (or the EU in generaly) According to the chart in my HQ-129X manual the DC voltage should read 300 volts at the filamentary cathode pins (2 and , of course this will drop My Red letter HQ-129X was the first Shortwave receiver I purchased, for $35, in 1969, and I still have it. In all the years I have used it, I put up with the quirks of this radio out of not knowing the true potential. I decided a year ago to make this old Boat Anchor the best possible. Having a manual downloaded When I google HQ 129 X images, I see that there were a number of different "looks" for this radio. Mine is the orange logo version and has two spinner tuning knobs. I don't have a way to do the IF alignment as prescribed in the manual so I adjusted the transformers using my output meter. HQ 129-X Hammarlund Receiver Restoration, K7PP Page. Co. HQ-129-X uploaded by Gottfried Silberhorn (2)", ite: "2"} {gbW: "768", gbH: "484", mW: "500", mH: "315.0", kb: "45 KB", notes: "For model HQ-129-X, Hammarlund Mfg. Co. Inc.; New York, NY:[br]aus ebay, mit Erlaubnis des Verkaufers kevco12", title: "Hammarlund Mfg. ServiceManuals.net carries service manuals for many different products, including the HAMMARLUND HQ129PDF OWNERS MANUAL & SERVICE MANUAL. Visit us online for more information or to download service manuals today. Brand's book lists the HQ-129X at 52-pounds and the manual does not give any weight. There are louvers on both sides that give some support for handling but no handles or cutouts. Frankly, the HQ-129X is about average for receivers of that vintage where weight is concerned.
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