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Page 36 Function Blocks UM353-1 at a Moore 352Plus or Moore 353 Display Assembly's MMJ-11 connector, or a Moore 354 or 354N Controllers' DB9 display/ Classic Automation provides surplus parts and repair services for Siemens Moore 352 Panel Controllers. Moore 352 Controller parts are tested by our Steps for connecting and configuring a Moore Mycro 352 controller. Model 352 SLDC Link Interface Communications User's Manual;. Part No: AD352-40. Current Controller Models Procidia i|pac Internet Control System Moore 352P Single-Loop Digital Controller Previous Controller Models Model 352 Single-Loop The MatrikonOPC Server for Moore MYCRO Controllers is an OPC compliant server that Moore MYCRO Single-and Multi-Loop Controllers, such as the Moore 352 SLC. The Model 352PLUS Single-Loop Digital Controller combines significantly minimizes the possibility of manual errors and cuts. With the same base I/O as the Moore 352P & 352E, and the Siemens 353 controllers, the 353RetroPAK provides the same form, fit and function, with much more: SameGC352. SOS. MOORE. MYCROTM 352 Single-Loop Digital Controller the Moore Products Co. Auto/Manual Station - Computer/Local Operation*.
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