Collins r-390a manual
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New manuals included from these manufacturers: ballantine, bitsavers, b&k, collins, ebooks, galaxy, grundig, hp, jackson, knight, marconi, micronta, philips, Army manuals. TM 11-5820-358-10 'Operator's Manual, Radio Receiver R-390A/URR' 16 January 1961 (Change 1: ?, Change 2: 15 January 1965, Change 3: 25 Aprilfollowing paragraphs of the R-390A/URR technical manual: (1) 6.2.1. (2) 6.2.2 Collins R-388 (51J) receivers and AR-88 receivers by the writer. In. Current Directory: /05 Misc Ham Equipment/Collins/R390A. Click on a File to download or a Directory to open. File Type. File Size. ===> Back One Level <===. Please click your language flag. Bitte Sprachflagge klicken. collins: R-390A/URR, Manuals for download You are the proud owner of a Collins designed R390A/URR general coverage, HF radio receiver. In many circles, the R390A is considered to be the finest HF
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